“One Little Word 2014 – Thrifty!”

As most of you know my boys signed me up  to http://aliedwards.com/shop/one-little-word-2014   this year and my word was ‘Simplify’  It was a great journey through this year applying my word to my life 🙂 I did manage to Simplify a few areas of my life and I think it has been for the better for sure 🙂

I haven’t signed up for the class this year as I know how the class works and I can do it on my own in 2014!  My word I have chosen for 2014 is ‘THRIFTY’ 

Words like “frugal” and “thrifty” get a bad rap sometimes, but living by these values can actually make your life easier and more satisfying. From learning new skills to researching your purchases, discover how thrifty living can help you save money in your every day life.

006 I am so grateful that I have a job, which allows me to buy my scrap booking bit and pieces, things for my home, kids, family, pay my bills, have no debt etc, but I feel I could do better and save a few dollars too and put towards something else if I re-use, re-purpose and recycle a bit more than I have this year. We waste so much, and no I am not on the green ban wagon, just on the save me money ban wagon! Of course it is good for the environment also 🙂

Well, this is my plan to use what I have and limit myself to what I buy and make myself really think about my purchases 🙂 I am planning on having my savings automatically going into my separate account again each week in 2014 and this also cuts down on my impulse buying as we all do 🙂 This will then cut down on things I don’t really need and clutter 🙂

There is lots of inspiration out there and my main one is Pinterest. It is a virtual pin board and you can create your own board like I have. http://www.pinterest.com/  You get ‘inspiration overload’ but lots of ideas to get you started 🙂

I hope you might start your own OLW journey and I wold love to hear about it 🙂

Happy 2014 ! xx

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